Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

A Walk Through the Residential Design Series (ACCA Manuals J®, S®, & D®)

Thursday • March 14, 2024
9:30 AM -
 10:30 AM
Grand Caribbean 11-12

While moving through the Residential Design Series following the Plans Examiner Review form, ACCA’s Manager of HVACR Design Education Ed Janowiak will point out the obvious, the misunderstood, and how code applies in each manual. Over the years, it’s become evident that many people have learned to design systems from sources other than the specific manuals. During this session, Ed will point out some things that you thought you knew, and maybe do. But you’re going to have fun while discussing some things you might be surprised about.

* If you don’t know what the Plans Examiner Review Form is, good. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about it and how to implement it because when you need it, it can be your best friend.

Ed Janowiak
Ed Janowiak is ACCA’s manager of HVAC design education. He has more than thirty-five years of HVAC experience and more than twenty years of delivering technical topics from his time as the technical director at Eastern Heating and Cooling Council based out of Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.
Ed has over fifteen years of practical experience in the field as a service manager, technician, and installer working at various companies, and as the owner and president of Bramante Energy, Inc. He is a master HVACR licensed contractor in New Jersey, holds 5 NATE certifications, and serves on the NATE Technical Committee.