Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

Advanced Code Class (FL CE Course)

Wednesday • March 13, 2024
9:45 AM -
 10:45 AM
Grand Caribbean 7

This course will provide contractors, design professionals, and building code professionals with practical information on changes to the 2020 Florida Building Code. Upon completion of this course, participants will understand the changes made to the 2020 Florida Building Code, including, but not limited to, the requirements of occupancies, height and area, fire protection, fire protection systems, means of egress and wood construction, and elevators.

FL CE Course Information: 1 ADV FBC 3992.0 CEU (ADV) #0612663, Provider #0003208 CE Academy

Robert "Bob" Cochel

Originally from Michigan, Bob Cochel earned degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Marketing. He worked for GE as an application engineer in their central AC department. In 1981, Bob co-founded Gulf Coast Air Systems Inc. and became the sole owner in 1985. Since then, his Tampa AC company has won many awards for excellence and integrity, testifying to Gulf Coast Air Systems’ commitment to skill development and top-notch customer service.