Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

Air Flow Roulette: The High Stakes Game of Retrofit Risk and Financial Gain

Wednesday • March 13, 2024
3:00 PM -
 4:00 PM
Grand Caribbean 11-12

Join Steve Rogers, President and Owner of The Energy Conservatory, in an enlightening class session that delves into the crucial realm of air flow assessment in HVAC systems. Discover the key to determining the correctness of air flow in both new installations and retrofits, and understand its profound impact on your bottom line.

Explore success stories of companies that have mastered air flow management, witnessing a significant boost in profitability. Gain insights into how air flow intricately affects heating and cooling system performance and durability. Steve will guide you through the four optimal methods for measuring air flow in residential HVAC systems. Uncover how implementing these methods can not only elevate your business but also enhance overall system efficiency.

Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
The Energy Conservatory (TEC)

Steve Rogers is the president and co-owner of The Energy Conservatory (TEC) since 2017 and has been with TEC since 2015. He previously worked at Emerson for 20 years in technical and engineering roles focused on pressure and flow measurement and worked for Dwyer Instruments designing their electromagnetic flow meter and flow laboratories. Steve holds 15 patents, serves on several standards committees for ASME, ISO, and ASHRAE, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University.