Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

Become a Coach Leader

Wednesday • March 13, 2024
4:15 PM -
 5:15 PM
Grand Caribbean 3-5

In this session, Bryan Dodge will teach you how to become a coach leader, where you will learn:

  • How to attract, develop, and keep top performers who will become coach leaders.
  • How to increase productivity and retention through Coach Leadership.
  • The biggest differences between leadership and coaching principles.
  • The #1 skill a coach leader must master.
Bryan Dodge
Dodge Enterprises
Bryan Dodge’s 30-plus years in the business development and consulting industry have enabled him to become one of the most sought-after commodities in the country! His company, Dodge Development Inc., has a proven track record of helping businesses and associations overcome adversity, build their organizations, and achieve their goals. Not only is Bryan an expert at helping businesses identify problem areas, but he is especially proficient in equipping them with all the tools they need to grow and prosper.
Bryan’s professional history started with a company he created in the early 90s called “The Results Educational Network.” It included alliances with some of the nation’s top speakers and trainers, including Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, and Tony Robbins. The mission was to strengthen every aspect of what businesses were made of, including the most important asset: its people!