Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

Contractors MIX It Up!

Tuesday • March 12, 2024
2:30 PM -
 3:30 PM
Grand Caribbean 8-10

Contractor members often comment on how ACCA’s MIX Group® Program has transformed the profitability and efficiency of their companies. One member described the role of his MIX Group® as his “informal board of directors.” Would it help you to connect with non-competing contractors to share ideas, best practices, and seek recommendations? Join Matt Grizzard, ACCA’s MIX Group® Coordinator, and a panel of contractor members with a wide range of MIX Group® experiences for this interactive session, where you will learn the value of MIX Groups® as well as preparation you might need to do before joining a group, what to expect in a group, some of the most popular activities groups engage in and areas they focus on. After attending this session, be sure to attend the ACCA MIX Group® MIXer later in the evening, where you can meet with MIX Group® members and potentially join or form a group.

Matt Grizzard

Matt Grizzard is ACCA’s Director of Membership and MIX Group® Coordinator. He is by nature an ‘arranger’ and passionate about helping others connect and grow. He has over 20 years of trade association experience and more than 15 years facilitating peer groups like ACCA MIX Groups®. Grizzard has been with ACCA since 2019, and, in 2021, took on the facilitation of an ACCA MIX Group®. He started his career as the manager of an independently owned True Value Hardware store where he developed his love for the trades.