Kalahari Resort
Greater Austin • Texas | March 24-27, 2025

Expand Your Leading With Influence: Q&A + LIVE Consulting Experience

Tuesday • March 12, 2024
2:30 PM -
 3:30 PM
Grand Caribbean 1-2

This session is for business owners and people who DESIRE transformation and real results! After experiencing Jake Havron’s 2-hour transformational keynote, attending this session will offer additional personal insight and guidance on “Leading With Influence.”

Jake Havron
Jake Havron
ITfactor Development Co.

Jake Havron embarked on a transformative journey from nurse to acclaimed speaker and strategist, now empowering people to create their dream lives through results-driven coaching. Jake has always had a heart to serve humanity and guides solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and corporate workers strategically to increase their vitality and performance daily by providing personalized strategies and methods for increasing their business success.